those two types of fabric i found at nehru place. so far i bought only 8 pieces which is 4 metres each. there are so many patterns, types of particular chiffon and cotton. so im getting blur on how to choose the best or the latest design to bring back to malaysia. hopefully, i did but when i reach home i found myself in doubt. im not having instinc with this newly fabric but on my oppinion i tried to get something fresh, up to date wannabe and elegant look. does it look matching with your figure? maybe we have a different angle of evaluating those design. hopefully i didnt make a big mistake. check it out there on this fabric blog.
chiffon tu cm lawa aku dh trlebih bajet utk order kain lg..
hahaha...aku tak bukak utk jualan utk kain ini. aku tak tau brapa harga di mesia. so far aku beli je dulu. nanti aku bukak tender sila hantar quotation anda.hahaha..
turn to SCC.saudagar chiffon & cotton.
cittt podah!! hahaha..
nak cop chiffon & cotton yg lawa2.
cheq mmq gila chiffon
ina yg tamak 'kain'
memang tamak..ntah yg dulu tak jahit lagi. haha...
wei chiffon ni pesal mcm sepesen je? balik2 kain kedut2 tu je...dia mcm tu je ke??
syed...sori la....cmne aku nk baya duit kain kt hang tu?????
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