qutub minar..at saket, just a place for those who love the history. apa ada? ntah, ada brick minaret yg tertinggi di dunia. else? ada la view yg menarik n sesuai utk amik gambar...gambar poyo skali lah...hehehe..memang best amik gambar cuma i tak reti nak pose je. memek muka dah mcm lipas. nothing to explain, as i pun not really sure about the history. i search later kat internet, maybe cerita dia best. aree yaar!
peristiwa best:
1-lepas penat makan kat KFC saket citywalk...ni je la yg paling canggih n halal kat delhi.
2-mood driver yg sememangnya malas jadi rajin, siap pusing lalu vasant vihar then stop awhile at one old temple suh amik gambar, mcm ni lah manjeet!
3-faiz n shahrul yg sporting tapi &*%#&^!!
4-sian en anuar jalan sorang...
5-lepas habis penat, tambah lagi kepenatan dengan membeli belah di sarojini market. tempah coat, vest n trouser baru 3000 rupees..wow! kena tempah lagi.
6-aku belikan kak jue shawl kashmiri pashmina 5 helai katanya nak buat kain sprah.
amboi bergambor...x igt DUNIA NAMPAKNYE....
i ingat kat u je...
once coming yes teruja nak shoot, tapi i dun think the same feeling if i come for next round.
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