kerana terlalu bosan aku just nak share, this is my lovely pet. suka gigit-gigit. sebab tu aku sayang dia. dia tau, gigitan tu tak sakit tapi just membuatkan aku rasa seperti rawatan akupuntur. mcm nak tidur je...miss u!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
i miss my everthing
kerana terlalu bosan aku just nak share, this is my lovely pet. suka gigit-gigit. sebab tu aku sayang dia. dia tau, gigitan tu tak sakit tapi just membuatkan aku rasa seperti rawatan akupuntur. mcm nak tidur je...miss u!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
debenhams at ambience
aku plan nak pi gurgaon...nak pi shopping kot kat situ, sebab ada mall yg best. aku blum pi lagi dah declare best. kan pe ade debenham kat situ dlm ambience mall. mcm gempaq..skang ni kan india big kena la beli ole-ole utk diri sendiri. tapi yg leceh kena pi sarojini dulu utk amik suit yg aku tempah, hari tu dah test ok, so dia nak complete stiching la. esok cuti lagi. hari republik india. so lepak lagi. honeymoon je aku hujung2 projek ni. hahaha..tak salah kan?
Saturday, January 24, 2009
what a sad
1) my computer has been attacked by viruses. such bloody hell viruses! this parasite delete all of my documents in partition E, then trolling to my D. so i took this chance to format my pc. but, i dun mind this. what the sad things is i lost my data. if my mp3 songs n others, i may have backups, but the pictures were not. most precious pictures were taken in rajasthan and taj mahal. i did recovery using a few softwares but only a few recovered, many more still corrupted. damn!
2)my ex-boss was showing a pic through his nikon, the daily lunch taken. only capatti n dal gravy. he said, a few times unconciously his eyes dropped tears. how difficult to live abroad, far way from family only to find some money to raise the family. seeking money let him to ignore the bad, suffer, agony, boring and many more to explain. only spirit remains....
3)shahrul went last night to airport and he confirmed for not coming back to delhi. 31kg of luggage safe, as we got a special treat from a nice guy, mr azahar the MAS regional manager of south asia.
4)my house is now very silent, lonely am i?
5)im waiting my big bosses to come. since mumbai attacks they postponed their tickets. after a few cancellations, i hope this 28jan they come, at least mr zulkay.
my former boss
my ex-boss is a chinese, such a great man. he inspired me a lot. but when he resigned, im so sad but it was a part of life. when he left last year in may, not much i knew about him. he moved to chandigarh, northen india in between of states of punjab and haryana. he was also a funny guy, i cant imagine he loves to use so many phrases which let u think. such another karam singh walia! but most of the phrases is made by himself, just to help people to imagine the particular siatuation easily. then u will say, "ooo...". thats why he is great, he can predict the things on future, what will u have to be prepared in order to face those coming days. thanks a lot mr.mak hon ming. he is now a general manager of country collonisers pvt ltd.
yesterday i was so sleepy after taking medicine painkiller. i got my usual headache. i was noticed a guest coming, will stay for a night. he was on transit to fly back to chennai and straight to kuala lumpur for holidays. chinese new year! so stepped to our house for a day visit. early in the morning i heard he talk with mr anuar, then me n faiz came to join. finish breakfast, we brought him to see his ex-project. he said, "change a lot!". then we had lunch at taquila restaurant at vikas puri. at 4pm he went to palam airport, ready for flight to chennai. sayonara. he gave me his business card n say "please keep in touch".
Thursday, January 22, 2009
bahai house at nehru place
tak sesuai panggil dia lotus temple, spaces are divided into 4. so the local people use to pray; islam, hindu, sikh, christian. i just duk luar tak masuk dalam coz too crowded. dunno why, maybe wrong timing. scenery ok cantik but nak masuk seram la. tak pasal kena pencopet. lagipun, mcm tak sesuai je. ntah la bagi org sini agak gah sebab tu dipanggil bahai house of worship. no comment at all, coz it might be sensitive to somebody.
nasi lemak mastura
pelajar seratas memang suka fly waktu malam, especially batch aku (termasuk aku). how many times i've done my illegal outing? no such number...just say many. who was my joint venture? a lot of them ; zaidi, mat yeop, che-an, etc (just named a few).
motif : escape from rules
destinasi : pekena nasi lemak mastura, snooker, port skodeng
time : lepas prep, sabtu malam ahad, musim spm, anytime ada gang.
track :
(1)pernah masa form 1 aku ikut abg senior lalu kat taman astakona redah hutan, lalu jalan kecik burmese pool, sampai kubur peringatan perang larut, pusing taman tasik, terus sampai pusat snooker.
(2)join laluan rahsia, pi belakang makmal kemahiran hidup, turun bukit belakang flat guru, ada pagar pecah/dipecahkan, masuk n redah sungai, lintas titi lake garden tepi zoo n direct to belakang bomba pekena nasik lemak mastura.
tragedy :
(1)batal fly sebab kes sorg junior terlekat leher kat starter bar (skolah tunas bakti still under construction) n diorg kantoi dengan makcik jaga skolah tu.
(2)kena gigit pacat.
(3)mat alip tak bawak duit/buat2 lupa bawak duit so kena blanja dia.
(4)kedai mastura tutup
(5)polis ronda
(1)port akak kajol-most beautiful 1-night-stand &*%#@^.
(2)taman lake view
(3)cc panorama hotel
(4)byk lagi la
pesanan to junior:
(1)jgn fly
(2)nampak polis jgn lari, just selamba badak konon-konon budak peleseran je.
(3)dengar bunyi pelik kat lake garden jgn bising, skodeng boleh.
(4)jgn bodoh fly kat pondok jaga.
(5)fly biar ada member, jgn lone ranger.
motif : escape from rules
destinasi : pekena nasi lemak mastura, snooker, port skodeng
time : lepas prep, sabtu malam ahad, musim spm, anytime ada gang.
track :
(1)pernah masa form 1 aku ikut abg senior lalu kat taman astakona redah hutan, lalu jalan kecik burmese pool, sampai kubur peringatan perang larut, pusing taman tasik, terus sampai pusat snooker.
(2)join laluan rahsia, pi belakang makmal kemahiran hidup, turun bukit belakang flat guru, ada pagar pecah/dipecahkan, masuk n redah sungai, lintas titi lake garden tepi zoo n direct to belakang bomba pekena nasik lemak mastura.
tragedy :
(1)batal fly sebab kes sorg junior terlekat leher kat starter bar (skolah tunas bakti still under construction) n diorg kantoi dengan makcik jaga skolah tu.
(2)kena gigit pacat.
(3)mat alip tak bawak duit/buat2 lupa bawak duit so kena blanja dia.
(4)kedai mastura tutup
(5)polis ronda
(1)port akak kajol-most beautiful 1-night-stand &*%#@^.
(2)taman lake view
(3)cc panorama hotel
(4)byk lagi la
pesanan to junior:
(1)jgn fly
(2)nampak polis jgn lari, just selamba badak konon-konon budak peleseran je.
(3)dengar bunyi pelik kat lake garden jgn bising, skodeng boleh.
(4)jgn bodoh fly kat pondok jaga.
(5)fly biar ada member, jgn lone ranger.
teruja baca blog macrieda

so surprise! rasa diri terpanggil utk baca blog macrieda (actually she invited me). then i tour her blog every little pieces, every single word, i found one question asked and she did an answer. she put me on number 1 as a gossip partner. yes i did (but betul ke?). memang enjoy kalau spend masa dengan macrieda coz she is very superb! but i pening dengar lagu tu je yg play, dari kat friendster sampai la ke blog...funky sgt.
today, baru sahaja balik dari menonton wayang "australia". im a big fan of nicole kidman, n start to do the same for hugh jackman. nice movie at all, but why haniza said "tak bleh blah la movie ni, boring yang amat". dia tengok dengan faiz, so no wonder la maybe faiz buat apa-apa kot. so faiz, i warn u, behave yourself (mcm bapak budak la pulak). sebelum start wayang, i step into mark&spencer kat west gate mall ni, beli shower gel sebab wangi giler. perfume autograpgh just nak testing tapi terbeli juga. lain tak boleh beli as my lugage is limited, only for sarees! yuhuu!
sejuk-sejuk ni of course i got flu, even fever comes frequently. why?
ini sahaja yang berlaku hari ini, bosan dah la asyik round rajouri garden is ambience mall at gurgaon...i gonna meet a sahil khan. sapa awek nak kenal dia? meh sini kasi business card i pass kat dia, dia nak cari calon, so be prepared to be a ukrainian.
Monday, January 19, 2009
qutub minar at saket
qutub saket, just a place for those who love the history. apa ada? ntah, ada brick minaret yg tertinggi di dunia. else? ada la view yg menarik n sesuai utk amik gambar...gambar poyo skali lah...hehehe..memang best amik gambar cuma i tak reti nak pose je. memek muka dah mcm lipas. nothing to explain, as i pun not really sure about the history. i search later kat internet, maybe cerita dia best. aree yaar!
peristiwa best:
1-lepas penat makan kat KFC saket je la yg paling canggih n halal kat delhi.
2-mood driver yg sememangnya malas jadi rajin, siap pusing lalu vasant vihar then stop awhile at one old temple suh amik gambar, mcm ni lah manjeet!
3-faiz n shahrul yg sporting tapi &*%#&^!!
4-sian en anuar jalan sorang...
5-lepas habis penat, tambah lagi kepenatan dengan membeli belah di sarojini market. tempah coat, vest n trouser baru 3000! kena tempah lagi.
6-aku belikan kak jue shawl kashmiri pashmina 5 helai katanya nak buat kain sprah.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
kak ely aka halilah ediana
pencetus inspirasi meronggeng ke kashmir, kak ely dah fly back to KL. she brought together her husband, mr.zuleman. so menjelang chinese new year ni, ground floor is empty with no sound of "pencuri makan malam". evernight i sing kareoke alone la kalau mcm ni. sedey tgk org balik. kak ely came for a vacation. trip to kashmir done as a comment from her, " sangat! nahar kena pegi jugak. tapi jgn ajak en.zul dah". sepetang berkesempatan jalan-jalan bawak kak ely pergi old delhi, masuk bazar street dlm red fort, pastu naik metro jumpa mr.zuleman kat barakhamba road metro, then makan-makan kat nizam kabab! serious sedap kabab tu! (ooo...rahsia tau tempat best tak cite). no wonder kak ely mention her weight top up another 4kg by staying 3 weeks in delhi. delhi is nice, for me its the place to kurus, but to others might be opponent. bye kak ely!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
buah oh buah!
aku suka makan buah sebab buah mmg best. lagi pun kat sini buah murah. among yg i suka is buah yg kaler oren as shown on pic. i sendiri tak tau nama buah tu, but pokok dia persis pokok leletup yg biasa jumpa kat sawah. taste nice, sweet and sour, perfectly mix and you will say "oh my goodness!" actually buah ni has been introduce by mr.mak hon ming. lepas tu diri ini rasa seduced dengan kelazatannya, then induced to get more, at last i realized that i am addicted to it. that's why i made demo to tasha aqilah n lyn that nite. bagi diorg jealous! even i know much more benda yg sedap and menggemukkan ada di malaysia (and now i yg jealous). otherwise i suka masak benda simple. i bake sanwiches with extra mayonese and the quantum is ... a standing ovation! sorry to to chef ismail lepas ni u have to take more "hong lo ka".
okay i nak listing all the food i made so far sepanjang di new delhi nak bagi you all teruja, and thinking "nahar ni tipu agaknya..." or "alamak kena minta recipe la!" or "tak sedap pun"... here they are :
nasik lemak, most major sambal, currypuff aka samosa, simplest things like masak kari, kurma, masak kicap, sayur masam, tomyam, sup, gulai lemak rebung mix udang, spagetti, mee hoon, cucur kucai with kuah kacang, kuih kasturi...(my memory is getting weak! chaiyok!) coming soon maybe cheese cake, blueberry cake, jelly, donut, choc-moist..sebab i bawak all the ready mix cuma campur n siap dibakar. hahaha...i tak expert la nak buat cake. thank you to my abang najib and his wife kak jue for this, all the best to "mahathir cake house".
okay i nak listing all the food i made so far sepanjang di new delhi nak bagi you all teruja, and thinking "nahar ni tipu agaknya..." or "alamak kena minta recipe la!" or "tak sedap pun"... here they are :
nasik lemak, most major sambal, currypuff aka samosa, simplest things like masak kari, kurma, masak kicap, sayur masam, tomyam, sup, gulai lemak rebung mix udang, spagetti, mee hoon, cucur kucai with kuah kacang, kuih kasturi...(my memory is getting weak! chaiyok!) coming soon maybe cheese cake, blueberry cake, jelly, donut, choc-moist..sebab i bawak all the ready mix cuma campur n siap dibakar. hahaha...i tak expert la nak buat cake. thank you to my abang najib and his wife kak jue for this, all the best to "mahathir cake house".
Friday, January 9, 2009
last drop diesel
ari ni nak pegi mana2 pun payah, diesel tak de. angkara pekerja2 minyak yg strike mintak salary increment, so diorg strike tak tau keje until they get it as they wish. it happens throughout delhi. so, transport yg realistic used is metro. naik tren nak pegi mana? destinasi persopingan je lah. let say if i go to jama chandni chowk, only shoes, capal n sandal...not more than that. tapi nak wat pe beli selipar. bukan boleh wat masak lemak pun. tapi sebenarnya nak pegi himalaya product store, dealer dia. yes murah! hehe another standing ovation raised. mari teruja, bayangkan kat malaysia sebotol (ada 60 capsules) rm43 i tgk kat midvalley tapi kat sini i got 75rupees, bahagi la 15 dapat brapa hengget? tak ke rm5 je...?
Thursday, January 8, 2009
mak enon is back

sedih pilu nak fly back to delhi, so arrive KL awal aku divert my steps and take monorail to bukit bintang. kalau lecturer hydrology mesti familliar ngan word "precipitation", means hujan. mmg lebat. so, dari monorail, step out to Lot10 n ada la lintas pi sungei wang plaza. nothing i bought only i had my lunch at foodcourt lower groundfloor Lot10. weird chicken chop with likely plastic fried rice with melon n choco-smoothies. on da way back to klsentral (dalam monorail), i noticed a very girly voice, "syyyyyyyyed.." tomey nyer enon! long lost fren. enon kata dia keje HR office. masa singkat, aku pun blah...then aku terfikir, last time aku jumpa dia kat bus station. now monorail (upgrade skit). so here i announce the crown of miss public transportation goes to Ainul. huhu.. enon is a friend of mine, since primary school. ayu la dia!
sape main hoki tak kemas balik?
ni kisah penglipur lara zaman duka lara nestapa di mana kat seratas rasanya tak wujud cikgu nama mustapa. announcement, "sume budak hingusan dorm A11 cepat rush gi bilik study". mmg rush aku cabut blah. u sanggup ke imagine senior form5 tengking dengan penuh nafsu amarah. such a horror! last2 kena kemas meja n lap tingkap. tak ke all this fake? best jadik cleaner seratas masa tu, rilex. i mmg kerusi tetap lap tingkap sebab bleh layan mood solo. i heard mat due cakap, "asyik-asyik A11, orang B13 tak kena. jambu ngan abang-abang la tu". even he was jealous but i support dia. lepas penat, lepak jap. "wei!!! hoki" aku tak ingat kitaorg main apa, tapi bukan sketsa pantomin sebab ashabul yamin tak join. you all tau tak, nak main hockey bukan just ada wood stick tu, tapi others are helmet (for gool keeper), mouth protection yg memancungkan mulut n one special thing yg nobody realized function dia... what is it? "tak tau". then wak saini dengan berfikiran singkat meletakkan benda alah yg seakan alat bantuan pernafasan kat hidung dia. pastu kitaorang terus bertindak idealistic main dokter-dokter persis cite ER..(skang layan Gray's Anatomy sbb ada sandra oh yg cute). wak saini was weak due to insufficient fresh unpolluted oxygent. no wonder he acted like nyawa2 ikan sucking benda tu. "woi, aku suh kemas bukan main, kuajaq sungguh! yang hang dok sedut ni wat pa, i orang letak dalam seluaq sotong takut kena rembat, kang mati pucuk", a senior urged to stop. yak tuih!!
jacket is protecting
aku gila jacket, my hand is free to waste rupees for jacket. might be denim, khakis, wool..tapi yang latest jacket labuh paras lutut. perasan best! bila beli beli nak capture on pic, skali lagi perasan in front camera. hasilnya mesti tak photogenic. mensampah btul. my kodak easyshare m753 ni ampeh, langsung tak membantu. even i tau i tak hensem nak standing keless makes those gurls terpaku jakun tgk i so u have been warned! kalau dulu beli nikon tak mcm ni kot. (org lain baca pehal la mamat ni sengal tak nak realize yg dia mmg constant tak hensem, neither pemboleh ubah bersandar nor x-factor really doesn't exist. so, admit ok!) jaket yg latest ni really i like the most. wadupp? i beli dengan harga cukup tak realistic murahnya. not more than 60hengget. off course bukan branded mcm tommy hilfiger or marc jacob but i satisfied. what i seek for is something protective against harm n bitter cold weather. at the end ada jawapan standard karangan exam skolah..another standing ovation gathered. aplause! nak pi site lah.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
tipah tertipu!
i beli coklat kat klia duty free...harga 35hengget...tup2 jalan kat pavillion dia jual same size same packet same product same evething is same with a price of 23 hengget. mangkuk ayun btul. rasa nak sekeh kepala bini boss MAB. ahaha..! so i salute langkawi duty free!
shopping's spree!
ari tu balik mesia, tergezut usus besar aku tgk ada sale. savings sale...tapi aku rasa shopping tak bermaksud saving sebab of course duit abis. but normal la, persuasion made to encourage people spend money on the right time. so, i was among the victims. but, cuti yg pendek let me spend my days at home. only once i went to klcc n pavillion. i shopped seluar keje n belt. masa pi jumpa mek i ngan mastura, i beli @*&$% but not for my own indulgence. its really instructed by someone. syok gak hayun kaki tawaf soping komplex. unconciously kaki sakit, panas badan pun tak terasa...hong lo ka! sorry beb, tak penah minum benda alah tu. apapun, aku tak habis duit byk, just apa yg patut. clap clap! standing ovation.
6 jan 09.
friends come n go, but memory remains fresh (not to org nyanyuk). smalam, ntah nape sedih giler aku bila tgk si faizal n luqman, stepped away dari guest house chaleh pi airport. diorg dah resign. luqman ni dulu mastermind, kire respect la dia matured skit among us even tercetus a few controversion tapi past is past, life goes on! aku jer yg tak tau arah nak dituju. ish! rasa nak duduk balik dlm kelas madame zuraidah n aku nak deklamasi poem the road not taken. faizal ni best pren la kat delhi, banyak mende aku refer kat dia dulu. sesama cetus idea, bual kosong, gelak tak igt dunia, recall memory kat utm n many more. but dia chow dulu gara2 offer dari JPS. all d best! to hakim, u r d next tak de 2nd farewell ke?
nu year to oll.
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