bersantai di kerusi, menghadap padang luas menghijau. teriakan gembira kanak-kanak berlari, bermain dan ketawa. terpaku aku melihat seorang tua berlari-lari anak, melakukan senaman rutin. kelibat seorang wanita menghampiri kerusi. rupanya cantik, berkaca mata gelap saiz besar lantas selendang punjabinya ditentu dudukkan di atas bahu.
woman : can i have a seat here?
man : yes, you can.woman : thanks. what a beautiful view. i love the scene, i can see a perfect horizon. nice ever.
man : something to story?woman : unless you interested to.
man : pleasure!woman : very simple, i came from calcutta. i left calcutta after a shock.
man : shock? means you kill someone? or forced to do so? haha..woman : definately but i will have to kill him as a protection against his past and future criminal. it was started 7 years ago. tragic.
man : sounds interesting! so now im your good listener wannabe. woman : calcutta is fine. my sister loved to play piano, school well and not homeless. a man came to me, after a few episodes of pleasure. love, fun and unforgettable moments.
man : so then he changed to someone else?women : his enchanting character was adorning me. we have no parents. so i was a mother to my loved sister with a very big mistake i have done, by giving her a full disaster father. so regret!
man : a suppression?women : more than word. he raped my sister, and he created a fully approved evidence to put my sister in murdering case.
man : how did you know?my sister : because i was a stupid forensic police officer. i did investigation on many cases but never wonder it will happen to myself. he raped, then he disappeared. then my sister was charged to murder him even he is still alive. too little pickles.
man : so?woman : my sister commited to a suicide, she failed to control herself.
man : sorry.
woman : i started to find that man as he is still alive and always hunting the next victims who might be any girl. so i followed him.
man : where?woman : here, in delhi. if possible, the warrant will be release soon. so im keep watching him. latest case, the raped girl was charged to kill a doctor. she was a school girl who dream to lavish. what happen was he slept the girl, the girl was charged to a murder that has been planned by him. brilliant! nervous-wreck girls always choose to suicide as no other way.
man : so the latest girl also did the same i mean suicide?woman : no. save under my custody, just to help us get the info. i recognise the man through a picture snapped by this girl using mobile.
man : can you take out your glass?woman : no i didnt. sorry, i have to go now.
man : are snooping him here? offbeat!